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Professional Enterprise Download Visual Studio for Mac. Still want an older version? Visual Studio and other Products. Dynamics formerly Dynamics CRM had Knowledge Management capabilities starting with the first Knowledge Management module in Dynamics CRM to the latest Knowledge Management module launched in Dynamics CRM release. To consolidate the Knowledge Management offering and move customers to better KM capabilities, we announced deprecation of Dynamics CRM Knowledge Management module with the Dynamics launch.
To smoothen transition to the Knowledge Base capabilities, we have launched a new tool on Github to convert your existing CRM Knowledge Base articles to new Dynamics capabilities. Please note that the tool is not officially supported from Microsoft and is not covered under standard Microsoft support plans. However, we are providing the source code for this tool and will be supporting it as part of our community initiatives.
I hope this tool helps you switch to Dynamics Knowledge management capabilities and helps you serve your customers better. Please try this tool and provide us with any feedback, suggestions or comments to improve it further.
In recent new release of Docker Explorer , we have added great support to manage your Docker Images in Docker Hub and Azure Container Registry. Also, we provide smart Docker Images suggestion based on the file you work on. This is really fantastic to make Docker Explorer a great management tool for all your Docker Containers and Images no matter they are in local or remote registry. Last but not least, I want to say a big THANK YOU to the whole team for delivering such good features! SQL Server represents a major step towards making SQL Server a platform that gives you choices of development languages, data types, on-premises or cloud, and operating systems by bringing the power of SQL Server to Linux, Linux-based Docker containers, and Windows.
Day 1 is focused on DBA and developer topics. Day 2 is focused on Business Intelligence. Who Should Attend: The primary audience for this course is IT Professionals who want to become skilled on SQL Server product features and technologies for implementing a database.
The secondary audiences for this course are individuals who are developers from other product platforms or previous versions of SQL Server looking to become skilled in the implementation of a SQL Server database.
REGISTER HERE. Greg Low CEO SQL Down Under. Greg Low is one of the better-known database consultants in the world. In addition to deep technical skills, he has experience with business and project management and is known for his pragmatic approach to solving issues.
His skill levels at dealing with complex situations and his intricate knowledge of the industry has seen him cut through difficult problems and situations in both large tier-1 and small organisations.
Greg leads a boutique consultancy firm called SQL Down Under. Greg is a long-term Data Platform MVP and considered one of the foremost consultants in the world on that platform.
Yes you can point the domain to an IaaS VM , Storage etc. See How to assign domain to a Virtual machine or Azure Storage. You domain is registered with GoDaddy service but hosted on Azure DNS. The initial cost of domain purchase applies to domain registration only. In addition to the registration cost , there will be incurring charges for Azure DNS based on your usage.
See Azure DNS pricing for more details. It is not mandatory to migrate to Azure DNS hosting. If you do wish to migrate to Azure DNS , you will see a message in domain management experience within the Azure portal about next steps to move to Azure DNS. Migration from GoDaddy hosting to Azure DNS is a few clicks away and seamless as long as the domain was purchased from App Service. For every new App Service domain purchased in the portal since July 24 , will be hosted on Azure DNS. If you prefer to choose a different hosting provider , you need to go to their website to procure domain hosting solution.
When you purchase a domain through the Azure portal, you can choose to add privacy at no additional cost. This is one of the benefits of purchasing your domain through Azure App Service. When you purchase a domain, you are not charged for a period of 5 days, during which time you can decide that you do not want the domain.
If you do decide you don't want the domain within that 5-day period, you will not be charged. uk domains are an exception to this. If you purchase a. uk domain, you will be charged immediately and you cannot be refunded. When you purchase a domain from the Azure portal, the App Service application is automatically configured to use that custom domain.
You don't have to take any additional steps. When you access the Custom Domains and SSL blade in the Azure portal, you will see any domains that you have purchased and you can configure your app to use any of those domains. Yes, you can, but it requires you to open a support case. In the future, we plan on providing this capability without opening a support case. In order to use or manage a custom domain purchased through the Azure portal, you will need to have an Azure App Service application a Web App, Mobile App, API App, or a Function App that is running in any non-free SKU.
Custom domains are not available for free apps. Our next cumulative update packages are available. For SharePoint we are still suggesting to install a Full-Server package and that looks as follows.
New since November From now the prerequisites has been changed, you need to have Service Pack 2 installed before upgrading to the next CU. The format how we are providing the Cumulative Update packages has changed with cy , means you can find all packages on our Download Center.
When you reached the download website, it is independent which language you chose, the packages are the same. SPS The full server package for SharePoint Server and contains also the MSF fixes so you need only this one package. Project Server The full server package for Project Server and contains also the SharePoint Server fixes so you need only this one package.
EXE over PSCONFIG. Links: Update Center for Microsoft Office, Office Servers, and Related Products SharePoint patching demystified.
Our SharePoint product group released the next monthly cumulative updates. How patching works for SharePoint ? Read more in the post from my colleague Stefan. The format how we are providing the Cumulative Update packages has changed in , means you can find all packages on our Download Center. Plan to upgrade carefully, you may need more time in case the current patch level for your Farm is June or earlier!
Reason is in regards to Search and psconfig. Please check the post from my colleague Stefan! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Skip to content. Blog to keep track of things I am upto. In GIT this is fairly trivial, in TFS however… To move changes between 2 branches, you have to ensure: The changes you want to migrate are shelved on the source branch. There are no pending changes in the workspace — This was rather annoying but a limitation of the tooling.
You have access to Visual Studio Command Prompt. TFS Power tools. Edit: See below. Not to mention that the difference in branching methodology between Git and tfs vc would to require 2 separate Git repos to get the files into the new path that represents a tfs vc branch.
To JoshGust and other downvoters: It seems you are confused about what git-tfs is. It is an independent project that predates git support in TFS by years and has no relation to it.
Instead it creates and maintains a local git repo for a project otherwise tracked with TFS VC which allows for much bigger feats than merely moving shelvesets around.
Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged tfs tfs-power-tools or ask your own question.
The Overflow Blog. How to make time for learning in tech sponsored post. 最新の 64 ビットの Visual Studio をお試しください。理想的な IDE と、よりスマートなアプリを構築して、クラウドとの統合およびパフォーマンスの最適化を実現し、時代の最先端を行きましょう Visual Studio のダウンロード Community Professional Enterprise Visual Studio for Mac のダウンロード. Visual Studio の新機能をチェックアウトする. Visual Studio およびその他の製品.
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Visual Studio Community の詳細を確認する. Visual Studio が利用可能になりました. 最新型 Web. Retrieved June 4, Jeff Beehler's Blog. MSDN Blogs. Archived from the original on September 23, Retrieved June 25, MSDN Search. MSDN Social. Archived from the original on March 20, Archived from the original on August 20, Retrieved October 6, Archived from the original on May 4, Developing Windows Applications by Mykola Dudar. Archived from the original on May 12, Archived from the original on February 11, Archived from the original on June 13, Retrieved June 14, Archived from the original on October 20, Retrieved July 24, Retrieved September 24, Archived from the original on September 20, NET Framework Libraries".
Archived from the original on September 7, Retrieved October 4, Archived from the original on March 29, NET Framework 4 [download]". April 14, Archived from the original on April 17, Retrieved April 18, Archived from the original on June 23, Archived from the original on December 12, Retrieved December 10, Archived from the original on January 8, Retrieved April 23, Archived from the original on June 4, Retrieved August 20, Archived from the original on May 28, Retrieved May 26, Archived from the original on January 7, Archived from the original on October 5, Retrieved August 28, Archived from the original on January 24, Retrieved April 26, Retrieved July 13, Archived from the original on December 20, Retrieved December 24, Retrieved September 14, News Center.
Redmond , Washington: Microsoft. September 29, Archived from the original on August 15, Retrieved August 14, March 29, Archived from the original on April 3, Channel 9. Archived from the original on October 3, Archived from the original on May 10, CBS Interactive.
Archived from the original on November 6, August 1, Archived from the original on June 6, December 31, Archived from the original on September 15, Microsoft Download Center. Microsoft Corporation. September 16, Archived from the original on October 2, Retrieved October 14, Microsoft Connect. September 24, Archived from the original on December 16, June 15, Retrieved June 26, November 26, Archived from the original on December 27, Archived from the original on June 22, Visual Studio Magazine.
The Visual Studio Blog. May 8, June 5, June 26, Retrieved July 3, September 9, Retrieved January 23, Visual Studio site. January 20, Archived from the original on January 22, May 12, Retrieved July 12, Archived from the original on February 13, Retrieved August 18, Retrieved November 16, Archived from the original on December 10, Retrieved January 15, Archived from the original on February 10, Retrieved February 10, Some features are marked with "Use Matching server version".
Not available in and above. I did not have any older versions installed. I did however see the extension MultiMerge which may be of use to you. MultiMerge This apparently does branch migration!
With no success. After spending over an hour searching for alternatives I am yet to find another commandline tool that provides the same simple functionality for TFVC.
As you already wrote.. Enterprise Download Visual Studio for Mac. Still want an older version? 例えば、トポロジ ビルダーで下図のように構成されている場合、SfBStd com は、SfBStd com へサインインしているユーザーへも常設チャットの機能を提供する必要があり、2, ユーザー以上をサポートできる必要があります。. com と SfBstd com は、それぞれ 2, ユーザーがサインインする可能性があります。 しかし、トポロジ上展開されている常設チャット プールは、SfBStd com のみです。そのため、SfBStd com へレジストしているユーザーと SfBStd com へレジストしているユーザーの全てのユーザーが、SfBStd com の常設チャット サービスを利用することになります。この場合は、理論上最大5,ユーザーが 1 台の常設チャット サーバーを利用する状況となります。.
また、常設チャット プールのバックアップ SQL サーバーを、常設チャット プールのバックエンド サーバーと併置することは、 サポートされておりません。 構成可能な常設チャット データベースの構成は以下となります。. 常設チャット プールを構成した場合、トポロジ ビルダーで最初に「少なくとも 1 台のコンピューターがアクティブである必要があります。」とエラーが表示されます。 これは想定された動作です。.
災害復旧のために使用されるテクノロジは、SQL のログ配布になります。 ログ配布の設定については、Lync Server に関連する技術情報として公開されていますので、 以下の技術情報をご確認ください。. トポロジ内で常設チャットを展開した場合、すべてのサイトで既定の常設チャット プールを構成する必要があります。 すべてのサイトで既定の常設チャット プールが構成されていない場合、「次の検証エラーがあるため、このトポロジを公開できません。」と 構成に関するエラーがトポロジビルダーで発生します。. この図の例では、First-Site では既定の常設チャット プールが構成されていますが、Second-Site では既定の常設チャット プールが構成されていません。 ただし、既定の常設チャット プールは同一サイトである必要はありません。 以下の例のように、異なるサイトの常設チャット サーバーを設定することも可能です。.
まず、プール ペアリングを行う、ペアリングするプールは異なるサイトに配置する前提となります。 災害復旧を目的としているので、当然ですよね。 その際、必ずしも常設チャットの機能が併置されている必要はありません。 前述のとおり、既定の常設チャットを構成する必要はありますが、必ずしも同一サイトである必要はありません。 また、ペアリングと常設チャットの冗長化は別のアーキテクチャーです。 常設チャットのデータの災害復旧は、ログ配布で行うものとなります。そのため、ペアリングでは冗長化は行われません。 言い換えると、ペアリングを構成することで、ユーザー データのフェールオーバーは可能ですが、 常設チャットのデータは、ペアリングの機能に基づいて、フェール オーバーされません。.
Skype for Business Server 常設チャットについてシリーズで解説していきたいと思います。 Part 3 となる今回は、常設チャットサーバーのアーキテクチャーについてです。. コンプライアンスの機能を有効にした場合、MSMQ の役割が必要となります。 また、"Skype for Business 常設チャット コンプライアンス" のサービスがインストールされます。.
コンプライアンス データが保持されているかは、SQL Management Studio を利用し、 mgcomp データベースの [dbo. tblComplianceData] テーブルを見ていただくことで、保持できているか確認が可能です。. Skype for Business Server 常設チャットについてシリーズで解説していきたいと思います。 part4 となる今回は、トラブル シューティングについてです。. 常設チャット サーバーを展開している場合、サイトに紐づく既定の常設チャット サーバーに限らず、 トポロジ サーバーで構成されているすべての常設チャット サーバーへ接続可能か確認が行われます。 そのため、いずれか一つでも常設チャット サーバーがダウンしている場合は、上記のエラーが表示されます。 なお、プールが構成されている場合は、いずれか一つの常設チャット プール フロントエンド サーバーが 正常に動作していれば上記のエラーは表示されません。.
また、大前提としてサーバー・クライアントともに一番最初のトラブル シューティングとして最新の更新プログラムの適用を行ってください。 最新の更新プログラムの適用により回避可能な不具合がいくつか存在しています。. 基本的なトラブル シューティングは UCCAPI ログを見ることとなります。 UCCAPI ログは、テキスト エディターで参照可能ですし、 リソース キットに含まれる Snooper を利用して解析することも可能です。. Cumulative Update 53 includes all application and platform hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV The cumulative update is intended mainly for solutions that are experiencing the problems described in the Knowledge Base article linked to below.
However, you are advised to always keep your solution updated with the latest cumulative update. If you are in doubt about whether this cumulative update addresses your specific problem, or if you want to confirm whether any special compatibility, installation, or download issues are associated with this cumulative update, support professionals in Customer Support Services are ready to help you. The cumulative update includes hotfixes that apply to all countries and hotfixes specific to the following local versions:.
You can download the cumulative update from KB — Cumulative Update 53 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Or you can download the cumulative update from the Microsoft Download Center. Before you install a cumulative update in a production environment, take the following precautions:.
For a list of all cumulative updates for this version, see Released Cumulative Updates for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Switch Editions?
Channel: MSDN Blogs. Mark channel Not-Safe-For-Work? cancel confirm NSFW Votes: 0 votes. Are you the publisher? Claim or contact us about this channel. Viewing all articles. First Page Page Page Page Page Page Last Page. Browse latest View live. In a typical Windows Forms. NET application, the UI elements are created and updated by the main thread. This thread is also responsible for processing Windows messages.
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